I was planning to use this image as a header, having a cool way to keep track of my level. But unfortunately the image is already out of date after the awesome session I had last night. I think it was probably the best session I've had - sure, I've had better moments in the game, but for a total session, this would be hard to top.
Morcarli is running around the Arathi Highlands at the moment. I had some time, so I thought I'd see if I could get into the battlefields. In the end I didn't make it because I kept leaving the queue in favour of doing other stuff.
Just after I logged on, an Orcish Hunter decided to have a go at me. I hadn't fought a Hunter before, and I was a bit distracted by some other things, so I didn't do very well. I'd hurt him a bit, but knew I was in trouble so decided to run back to the nearest human camp. The stupid orc decided to follow me, and got finished off by the guards. So after all this time running around in PvP mode, Morcarli finally got his first Honour Kill!
Shortly after in the same area he decided to have another crack at me while I was fighting two raptors. This time though, he wasn't counting on the level 60 Night Elf Rogue who was standing behind him. Orcs make a strange noise when the get splatted.

While keeping an eye out in case this guy still hadn't learnt his lesson, I spent some time killing random spiders and raptors. Suddenly, on the corpse of a spider, Morcarli found his first ever solo blue drop.
I seriously considered selling it, because the suggested starting bid at the AH was 90g - more money then I've seen in the game. But after a conversation with Woe, I decided to hang on to it. If nothing else, I'm much more likely to do
critical hits now.
I spotted a message from a level 41 Warlock who was looking for help for some quests Morcarli had. So I messaged him, and we teamed up. Then a Warrior and a Mage joined the group, both 40+. Together we were fantastic. Since I wasn't the best tank or the best damage dealer, I swapped my normal two handed mace for the
Jagged Star of Healing I picked up in during the Gomer run last weekend. It meant I wasn't doing much damage, but I was able to keep the party alive and healthy.
The run lasted a while, but in the end I finished three 3 red quests and picked up a shiny new cloak. If Morcarli didn't always roll so badly, I probably would have got a few more items. I only ended up with the cloak because I rolled "need" - and got a 4. The others joked called me a "dirty ninja!".
In 2 and a half hours I managed to get my XP bar halfway filled, and my money went from about 9g to over 16g.
So yeah, I had a good night.