Thursday, September 29, 2005

Strange Server Thing

So on Tuesday I was playing for an hour before the servers went down (as the do every Tuesday night at 10pm). About 10mins before I was going to be kicked off, I died. So I decided to resurrect myself from the spirit Healer, and then I hearthstoned from Duskwood back to Ironforge. I had a chunk of gear I wanted to sell off, and I had a plan that maybe I could pick up a few cheap items from the Auction House. I'd heard that auctions continue to expire even when the servers are down. So if you bid on an item that's only got say 2 hours left, there won't be any more bids before the auction finishes.

I placed a couple of bids - one of a stack of wool, a couple on some decent armour and the like. The the server went down and I did other stuff.

The weird thing was when I logged in last night. I was back in Duskwood, standing in the graveyard. And I still had a full 10mins of Ressurection Sickness (I'd spent at least 5mins running around Ironforge). I checked the mail box, and sure enough I'd won the auctions I'd bid on (yay!). But it was still very strange.

On the plus side, at least I don't have to worry about getting back to Duskwood...

Monday, September 26, 2005

Being Nice

I've noticed that more green items are dropping from my kills. Maybe it's just been the areas I've been playing lately, maybe it's because I'm a higher level then I've normally played, or maybe it's just been luck.

Anyway, at one point yesterday a pair of cloth gloves dropped. Required Level 20. Decent armour bonus. +17% to Fire Spells. So obviously perfect for a Mage. It just so happened that there was a Mage and a Warrior running around the same area. The Mage was Level 21.

I initially thought I'd get a nice amount of money for them, but then I changed my mind. I ended up swapping the gloves for a +2 Damage enchantment for my mace.

One thing I really like about World of Warcraft is the chance to be randomly nice to people.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Deadmines: Attempt Two

I'd been putting off hitting the Deadmines with Morcarli for a little while - mainly because I didn't think I had the time. But on Sunday I had an afternoon to myself, and so figured why not. I finished off some quests, and the joined with a group who were looking for a final member.

The group consisted of:
  • Thezeus - Level 21 Dwarven Warrior and group leader.
  • (Name Forgotten) - Level 25 Night Elf Hunter with a pair of owls
  • Puddytat - Level 22 Human Priest.
  • Morcarli - Level 22 Dwarven Paladin (me)
Things got off to a rocky start when my box decided to lock up before we even hit the mines. Fortunately the group hung around until I got back in - they were just starting to make noises about giving up on me when I reappeared.

We had to explain to Thezeus a few times that it was polite to /roll for chests, and he couldn't just run up and loot them all.

The run was going pretty easily - we were cutting through the bad guys nice and quick. Unfortunately, this made all of us a bit too cocky, especially the warrior. After we pulled too many guys and then got hit from behind by a patrol, the priest and the warrior both died. After I ressurected them both (much to the amazement of the warrior), Puddytat took us to task. She basically told us she was going to set the pace and lead. Which was a smart thing to do, because she knew what she was doing.

Things when really well from then on. Although we had a few close calls, we didn't have any real problems. Eventually we pulled more goblins then we could deal with, and were all wiped out. Oh well, it happens. But as we were heading back, Thezeus turns around and said "Oh sorry, I've got to go", whips out his hearthstone and teleports back to Ironforge. He didn't bother making anyone else the party leader, and didn't actually log off - he just walked away from his computer.

The three of us were left, not strong enough to complete the Dead Mines and unable to ask anyone else to join the party. We had no choice but to leave.

So I still haven't finished the Dead Mines.

Level Racing

Partly this is to avoid posting boring World of Warcraft posts to my normal blog, but mainly it's to try and bug Stilly a bit.

I'm currently level racing a friend of mine who's playing on a different server. I started at level 20, he started at level 30. We're trying to see if I can hit level 30 before he hits level 40. At first glance it sounds like it's an easy race for me to win, but after one week we're still neck and neck - level 24 vs level 34.

So we'll see how it all goes.