Ian said he wanted to see another blog post about Morcarli rapidly increasing in level. It's not because he thought my last post was exceptionally well written or anything. It's just that he wants a buddy to hit some of the higher areas.
So, as you can see from the header, I had a reasonable weekend. I hit level 35 on Saturday, and progressed half way to 36 on Sunday. I joined a raid group for a little while on Saturday and got four more honor kills - it will be interesting to see where Morcarli fits into the honour rankings this week.

I decided to upgrade my belt and my helm at the Auction House. I also picked up a nice new amulet from a drop in the Badlands. So although Morcarli now looks like he's taken a nasty injury to his head, my stats are looking a little nicer. I'm especially enjoying my increased Agility - I'm not sure why I neglected it for so long, but dealing lots of critical hits is lots of fun!

Speaking of good drops from the Badlands, I got my second solo blue drop yesterday - the
Gloves of Old. Unfortunately these aren't any good to Morcarli, but I'm sure I'll find someone who's interested. Failing that, I could alway just put them up at the Auction House...
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