Thursday, October 13, 2005

Where Men Are Men

Ian's finally managed to tear himself away from World of Warcraft long enough to write a blog post. Although, what can you expect from someone playing an elf named "Drizzet". It reminded me of a couple of things I turned up a few weeks ago.

This is the first.

And this is the second.

"The Internet, where men are men, where women are men, and where 14 year old girls are FBI agents".

Thursday, October 06, 2005


I've almost hit level 27. Next time I log in, my XP bar should be blue all the way up. I had two sessions over the weekend, and levelled up during each.

A few days ago I realised Morcarli could make himself some pretty funky boots and gloves.

(thanks to Thottbot for these images)
Ones that were certainly better than the ones he was currently wearing. So I grabbed all the metal I needed, headded over to the forge and realised I didn't have any Coarse Stone. I couldn't believe it - I normally have so much of the stuff, but the one time I need some. So last night I made a special effort to hit any nearby tin nodes. In the end I gathered enough metal and rock to make the boots and the gloves without needed to trip back to the bank.

I'm really enjoying Duskwood, although I'm a bit over all the "go to the other side of the map and kill 17 of these monsters. Okay, come back for the reward. Right, go back and kill a dozen of these other monsters". I know it's no different from any other area, it's just the in Duskwood it's such a trek to the other side of the map.

Last night I finially found the way into the centre bit of the map. Wow, that was an impressive load of nothing. Nice swirly thing though.