Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Black Fathoms Deep

We ran through Black Fathoms Deep on Saturday afternoon. As Rana pointed out, we had pretty much the perfect party of 5 - a priest, a mage, a shaman, a warrior and a druid. The druid was specced for healing, and so bugged me a bit since I've become used to the solo healer role. More than once I wasted a big heal on someone because the Druid got his off just before me. Towards the end I got used to aborting my heals at the last second if they weren't needed any more - sure, it was wasted time, but at least I saved the mana. Obviously I should have just communicated better (read: at all) and arranged things. And he did save us a couple of times.

There was one almost fatal moment when we were facing the last big guy and Rana was getting wailed on pretty badly. I kept trying to cast my uber-heal, but my line of sight kept getting broken. While everyone was yelling at me to heal, I was thinking "I'm trying! I'm trying!". Fortunately I just managed to finish casting it in time, so I didn't look totally incompetent.

That is until we'd killed everything and were just swimming around picking up stuff. I had to drop something from one of my bags to pick up something else, and managed to run out of air while I made up my mind. Luck we had a shaman so I didn't have to walk back.


Blogger Ian said...

Try the easypriest add-in. Banshie uses it all the time. ManaConserve automatically does the abort heals for you, praps because of some other heal, a bandage, or whatever reason.

Coupla tips: Use renew as first heal to slow rate of health loss, before casting flash heal, greater heal or prayer.

Generally use bubble last. Apart from on casters where it can be useful up front to avoid casting interruptions for them, only use as a last resort to give instant protection usually long enough to keep character alive while you cast a heal. Warriors usually don't like bubble because it limits rage build up. Also, if you think of bubble as a 'reverse heal' it is actually your least mana efficient heal spell.

9:39 AM  

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