I've almost hit level 27. Next time I log in, my XP bar should be blue all the way up. I had two sessions over the weekend, and levelled up during each.
A few days ago I realised Morcarli could make himself some pretty funky boots and gloves.

Ones that were certainly better than the ones he was currently wearing. So I grabbed all the metal I needed, headded over to the forge and realised I didn't have any Coarse Stone. I couldn't believe it - I normally have so much of the stuff, but the one time I need some. So last night I made a special effort to hit any nearby tin nodes. In the end I gathered enough metal and rock to make the boots and the gloves without needed to trip back to the bank.
I'm really enjoying Duskwood, although I'm a bit over all the "go to the other side of the map and kill 17 of these monsters. Okay, come back for the reward. Right, go back and kill a dozen of these other monsters". I know it's no different from any other area, it's just the in Duskwood it's such a trek to the other side of the map.
Last night I finially found the way into the centre bit of the map. Wow, that was an impressive load of nothing. Nice swirly thing though.